
Yesterday, my girl pushed the elevator button for the very first time – at 14. While that may seem like an insignificant event for some, for her it was an unconscious shift that speaks volumes. For her entire lifetime, Mary Katherine has been terrified of...
Speaking from the Heart

Speaking from the Heart

This weekend marked a milestone in my girl’s life, the milestone that says she is ready, willing and able to embark on her own career. Or at least know that she can. On Saturday, 2 lovely young women and their mothers flew in from Utah to present Pawsitive Teams...
They passed!!

They passed!!

Channeling everything she has learned from Angel Faces, Mary Katherine brought her A game to today’s Public Access Test. Her keyword was Powerful, and with that word she embodied bravery, strength, pride, confidence. After a near disaster practice yesterday, she...
Exercising Our Brains

Exercising Our Brains

My girl has her big test tomorrow with her service dog, Atti. It’s a public access test because after all, this is a special dog who can go where dogs usually aren’t allowed, so Team Mary and Atti are held to a higher standard. After months of training and...